Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday Little Guy

Yesterday, my son turned 4! It was a busy day with a lot of running around and celebrating! I wanted to take a moment to post an ode to him. Happy Birthday Gabriel! The little boy that
makes me smile when he hugs so tight! The little boy that always brings me an ice cold bottle of water while I was recovering from surgery. I hope that yesterday and today and the rest of your life bring for you the miracles, blessings and wonderfulness that these past 4 years with you have brought me. You are a ray of sunshine in my everyday life, your imagination, brain power and complexity amaze me daily and I hope that your future is as bright as I see it for you. May you always be happy and healthy and know that you will always be loved. We named you Gabriel after an Angel of hope and we know you will make the best with what is given to you! You already do!! I love you, my little Angel! I hope you had the Happiest of Birthdays!
~Love Always,


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