Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fun with Food...

Good Morning Friends! I hope everyone has slept well last night, I am loving this crisp Fall air that has entered the Midwest and I truly hope it's here to stay! This is a post of having fun with your food! I'm creative by nature, so of course I bring it to all aspects to my life.  When my children asked me for a late night cookie snack, we got baking! Since it was already pretty late, I didn't want them to have too much to eat and figured a fun way would be to make them some bit sized snacks! I pulled out the cookie cutters and made these awesome M&M and Chocolate Chip cookies. This way there were plenty for the rest of the week, some for Daddy when he got home from work and they each were able to have 3 that night. A tall and fun glass of milk helped top it all off just perfectly!

I was inspired to make the bite sized cookies, because my cookie cutters are always out on display. I use them almost daily to make lunches cute and fun. After testing out many ways to store them so that I get the most use out of them, this has turned out to be the best.  I store them in a paper towel holder right on the counter in my lunch prep area. I store my entire collection in a covered bin in an under cabinet, but this allows me to highlight some of my collection and change them out in relation to Holidays, Colors, Themes etc. I Love It!

When my kids asked for pancakes, I knew I wanted to spice them up a little. We've done shapes before, but we had not tried rainbow pancakes yet! This was the perfect touch to a last minute breakfast. I use Mason Jar lids, to make easy circles and it gives me a chance to see how much to pour for a thicker pancake!

Sitting on Facebook one night and my friend posted a photo of Uncrustables PB&J sandwiches! I laughed, because I remember that my husband and I got married in Disney World right on the day hurricane Frances swept in. As weather got worse, they cut the food hours on resort property and began setting up bags of food so that we wouldn't have to leave our rooms anymore. These were one of the things in the bags and we were hooked!

I knew I could easily make some of my own, since they were pretty simple! My kids and I were headed on a picnic the next day, so I decided to get right up and see if I could put it together! First, I spread the peanut butter and then the jelly (Leave the jelly in the middle, so the bread doesn't get too soggy!)

What can't you use Mason Jar lids for?! I used it as a larger and thicker cookie cutter, to get it all in one good twist! To get the clean circle, I used a knife to get the edges out intact.

Use a fork to press down the edges, so that it gets that closed and pretty look! These were an absolute success and the kids have already made a request to have these in their school lunches 'some days'! I love when I can make them smile!

This is a reminder of my newest Fun with Food segment, TRAY TUESDAY! Head on over there and check it out! I have one new co-hostess signed up, but there is still room for more. Thanks so much for visiting my little neck of the woods! Hope you have a fantastic day!!!

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