Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Treasures...Recycled Fun

Hello everyone! It's been a hectic day, so I have not gotten around to take photos of this week's recycled treasure! Hopefully I can do that later today. Instead I wanted to share with you my latest FACEBOOK ALBUM.  This is a compilation of all the items that we are constantly saving in and around our home! They usually make awesome storage or help in other ways around the house. This is a list that I try to add to at least once a day, so it's an ever changing one! If you ever have any questions as to why I save what, feel free to comment under the photo on Facebook or even here in the post!
We keep everything stored in 1 container and that's it. If it gets to be more, then we purge. There is always something coming out of this house, so we don't have to worry about not having what we need on hand! That's what's so great about re-purposing items! It's fun and teaches the kids a great lesson! Head on over to my FACEBOOK page and leave a comment!



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