Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fun with Food!

Before we get to the good eats, remember that food does not only have to be eaten! When the outside of some of our apples were a bit bruised, we sliced them in half and got to work with paints!

They looked so pretty that I wanted to display them! The kids had so much fun playing with their food, that we have decided next time, we will make the prints on something other than paper, so that we can keep them longer!
The first day of school was fun for everyone and the perfect back to school snack, was Caprese Bites that I then drizzled with olive oil and lightly salted and peppered. They were perfect! I would have added the basil, if I had known the kids that came over would have liked it, so I erred on the side of caution!

I love making everyday things cute with very little effort! Masking tape and a sharpie make the perfect note on something that will be thrown away anyway! A rubberband holds the napkin and spoon right to the pudding cup and they both nestle right into the snack bag that has also gotten a little glam!

Cookie cutters and cupcake wrappers, GO GET THEM! These 2 things are enough to make lunches absolutely memorable.

Tray Tuesday will be back next week! With the rush of the first day, we were on the go all day, so I am slowly getting back to normal!



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