Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Madness!!

Week 2 of school has started and the kids are having an absolute blast, they come home smiling everyday and the entire weekend was full of questions about school and when they would go back! My daughter lost her first non-accidental tooth last night (she knocked one out doing some gymnastics moves last summer) and this morning was all a flurry about what the tooth fairy bought and the glitter that she left behind.

We had a blast at the apple orchard over the weekend, that left the kids so excited to bring in an apple to their teacher, so that they could tell her all about the orchard and picking it themselves.  This easily took up about 15 minutes, with them going through each and every apple, looking for the perfect ones!

Don't forget that tomorrow is tray tuesday!! Join us with your fun lunches and you will have a chance to link up too! Mama to 4 Blessings and I are so very excited and we can't wait to see what you have come up with!!
How was your weekend? I hope you all had a great time!



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