Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Virtual Destinations and Beyond! From China to Japan

Hello China! What a fun trip this has been! This was definitely one that we did not want to end! We cooked fantastic foods and played some really fun games. We learned so many new things that even I couldn't believe how much there was to soak in. Even though all the foods on these trips are new to us (well many of them are), the kids always try everything! The main ticket to getting this done, is allowing them in the kitchen to help prepare all these meals, they also help prepare the grocery list and assist in shopping with the groceries.

I put together an awesome crossword puzzle that we tackled on our first day of China. With each word found, it was like a mini victory for the kids! After we were through with this, we used the word list, to research each word and get to know what they all meant and how they related to this fantastic Country.

We try to learn a little bit of the language in some way, usually in the numbers and some aspects of the alphabet. I like to make up a dot to dot page and it's usually pretty simple. As we connect 1 dot to the next, we always say the number out loud in that language.

To work on our Chinese writing skills, I covered the kitchen table in Kraft paper and let the kids draw any symbols they could remember. This was an AWESOME activity that lasted well into the week. Even I had a blast writing and coloring. You should definitely do this to your table, to add a little variety!

Studying the Zodiac was the hands down favorite for everyone! They loved locating their year in all of the numbers on the calendar and then listening to what it all meant! I then took those symbols above and printed out the sheet twice. Each child was able to color 8 of them and then we glued the page to card stock and laminated it. Next, we cut each shape out in the same size and created our own Memory Game!

Seeing as how dragons play a big part of Chinese history, we used an egg carton and pipe cleaners to create our own. It was amazing how much more we did!! We made our own Great Wall, took in some fun movies on Netflix about China and even went to a Chinese restaurant. I hope you had fun in this great Country as well. My 5 year old son, has known since he was 3 that he wanted to go to college in London, my oldest has always flip flopped back and forth between what strikes her fancy, this past week, she said China is exactly where she wants to go! I love how they are having a blast learning and discovering new places!
We are now on our way to Japan! Leaving China this morning, we will travel  1300 miles and be on our plan for 2 hours and 45 minutes. Our first destination is Tokyo and we plan on having a blast! We plenty planned, that we have already gotten started!! Between the landmarks, the language and the food I don't even know where to start! In fact we are grabbing sushi for lunch today! Yay! I will update you all soon on our entire plan for Japan!



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