Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fun with Food...

Plain lunches can be dressed up in many ways, a seasonal pick can hold food together and brighten the colors in your box. Small condiment containers can hold samplings of applesauce, dressing for salads or even peanut butter for fruit dipping! A cookie cutter can create a little dimension on a sandwich when used on bread or cheese. Presentation is everything when it comes to little ones!
I always keep small snack sized meals in the fridge for my youngest. He's not in school full day yet, so he still has all of his meals at home. This allows him to snack healthily on a variety of goodies when he's hungry. 

Invest in some fun cookie cutters and you can create so many smiles when your child pops open his or her lunchbox at school!

No time to get some decorative picks? Grab some toothpicks for the same effect and use them to spear fruit, fruit snacks or anything that may need to be held together. 

Create your very own lunchables with a cookie cutter and healthier crackers of your choice. Much much healthier than those box lunches at the grocery store and even cheaper too!

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