Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Fun!

Autumn is the perfect season to spend thinking of creative ways to use pumpkins and involve your children too! Clementines tucked away in a lucnbox pack a punch when turned into mini jack-o-lanterns!

Have fun with numbered pumpkins in a variety of ways! Check out my game ideas HERE! Keep in mind that no matter what kind of games you come up with, your kids will absolutely love it. They enjoy getting creative and spending time with you!
Want a super fragrant candle in the house, that is also fun for your kids to make?

Start with an orange, toothpick, tealight candle,cinnamon sticks, knife and cloves. 
Parents: Cut off the bottom 

of the orange just slightly, so that it sits flat.Cut out a small circle at the top, so that the tealight candle may sit

inside. Scoop out the insides of the orange to make a well for the candle. Poke holes with the toothpick all 

over the exterior of the candle.KIDS: Stuff the orange with cinnamon sticks, poke the cloves into the holes 

made with the toothpick and then place the candle in the top! Group together on a candle plate.PARENTS: 

Light the candles & Enjoy.When the candles have burned and a couple days have passed, take the candle out

 and boil some water on your stove. Toss your oranges into the boiling water (With the cinnamon and cloves 

still intact) and bring water to a simmer. AMAZING Fall scent!

Print out a plain pumpkin page and slip it into a page protector for hours of pumpkin decorating fun! This is one of our favorite activities. We get creative with this too, but using black construction paper and cutting out different smiles, eyes and noses and then mix them up on the pumpkin too. Kids love to get silly!


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