Friday, October 21, 2011

Library Tip!

Looking for a way to keep everyone's library cards together? Punch a hole in them and slip them in a binder ring! This has been a GREAT way for the kids to keep an eye on their library cards, without losing them.

Next, we clip the ring onto the handle of our library tote. This tote is where ALL the library books STAY. When they want to look at books at home, they may take ONE out at a time and return it to the bag straight away. THIS eliminates lost books and those pesky library fines!

We ALWAYS get a print out of the books we have checked out and then we slip it right into the front pocket of our tote. This is a quick reference to see WHAT we have checked out and WHEN it is due! A simple tip for you that has saved us SO MUCH time and money!



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