Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday Thank Yous....

So Tuesday is here and it's been a very thoughtful time for me. A favorite teacher of mine passed away this weekend, and old friends and I got together to attend the wake yesterday. It was a heavy heart that we all had when we met up and then thinking of her and who she was and how this teacher affected us all made us think how truly special this woman was and still is and how she deserved to be celebrated. We waited in line for 2 hours for the visitation to speak with the family. A friend of ours ended up at the back of the line as we were leaving and she said that there was still another 2 hours behind her. You can just see how much she impacted people there. You could hear the tales flying while in line and the people laughing at good memories. It was a life to be proud of, to admire, one to strive for. So my thank you goes to her. A teacher that brought me out of my shell. One that molded me into the person I am today. Cheers to the life of a wonderful woman that truly did change the world around her.

I would also like to offer up a quick apology to the waiter at Houlihans last night, we were there past closing and i'm sorry it took the turning up of the lights to give us the hint that it was time to go. I apologize for our loud laughter as well! You were a great waiter and made us laugh a few times yourself! Thanks for making it a memorable evening.

My final thank you goes out to you! All that have hearted my shop make me feel truly loved! I want to thank you for helping me make my dream a success!


missknits said...

wow congrats on all the hearts! and what a nice blog post! good to say thank you! sometimes we forget

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