Friday, June 10, 2011

Fulfilling Our Bucket

Friday Morning 7am at our Garage Sale:
Bucket list #25 is in action on this cold and rainy day! It's supposed to keep warming up, so let's hope it sticks with that thought and decides not to get any colder! haha!! I parked them into the far back of the garage where they could keep warm and also stay out of the rain! They surprisingly made some decent money in here!
12 noon and we have moved outside with the stand! The kids are still having a blast, but have decided that taking turns at the small table may work best! I had to frisk my daughter as she left, because she was keeping all the quarters of the lemonade glasses that she sold! hahha!! I told her it all goes into 1 pot divided 3 ways at the end of the weekend and I don't think she was too thrilled on that!
One tip that I read in a local paper was to put a donation jar at your lemonade stand, many people won't want the lemonade, but will throw in a dime or 2 just to help out the kids! It worked out really well so far. It's 12:45 and we've been open about 4.5 hours and the donation jar has about 6.00 in it! People are really sweet to little kids and I love that!

1pm and we are over halfway done! Looks like I have to make up a new batch at lunch time for the second half of the day! The best parts of this entire experience so far have been the kids learning about money and giving change and measurements when mixing the lemonade too. They are also learning about sharing, when they take turns behind the table.  So many lessons to be learning in such a small task and of course fun is being had by all!

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