Monday, June 6, 2011

Take The Learning Outside...Part 2

With the hot and fabulous weather, I was so tempted to pull out my laptop, a good book (I don't like to bring my Nook outside by the pool!) and a drink to enjoy the sunshine! That alone would have been fabulous, but we all know that little ones don't quite like being outside and sitting still, especially when we just opened up our pool for the Season! I decided, we could take our morning math lesson outside, have fun and stay cool all at once!

I just purchased Dive Sticks from the Great Escape, while we were there picking up a new pool vacuum and had just the right game in mind! These are perfect, with even numbers on the end, for math! I tossed them all into the pool before anyone dove in then told them the first game was to get as many as they each could!

Everyone jumped in and they were having blast searching for them. When they were all collected, we gathered together and each person took turns out loud adding up their total. The 2 big kids added their numbers as is, for the younger guy, we just used the first number (1+2 as opposed to 10 + 20). They had so much fun adding up each time, that they never realized we were working on math too! What fun to get out in the pool and PLAY, but LEARN too!!! 

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