Friday, July 22, 2011

40 Fresh Fridays!

I have been inspired by reading THIS BLOG and cannot wait to start! For the next 8 weeks, I will share my updates on Fridays! I will be starting on Monday and will update my 1st haul on Friday as with every Friday following. This is originally done during the Lenten season, but I love the idea and will do it now! Care to join me? Let me know and just get started on Monday. Next Friday, I will put up a linky party and you can link up how you are coming along. 
First, pick out the type of garbage bag you will fill. I am using THESE from TARGET. There are 88 in the box and I am setting them aside JUST for this project, so I don't have an excuse that I ran out of bags! Next, plan out what you will do with your bags. I plan on donating ours to Goodwill, since I am forever finding my Thrifty Treasures there!

Now it's time to write your list! That's why we are not starting until Monday. This gives everyone plenty of time to come up with 40 places that they would like to purge. We will do it over the course of 8 weeks, so that we are not cleaning on the weekends.  Of course you can just purge 5 bags in 1 day if that's all you have time for, but I like the idea of doing 1 thing a day and having the ability to cross something to cross off my list everyday! As much as I love my nifty clipboard above, I went ahead and put my list ONLINE so that it would be easy to access and cross off.

Now we are ready to go! If you are joining, go ahead and do a quick post about it, so that everyone can be ready to start on Monday! Snag the button above and we are ready to roll! Let's get cleaning people!!

Have You Added Me Yet?

I will most likely post small daily updates on my Facebook Page before the big reveal each Friday, so be sure to become a Friend of my page to keep tabs with the updates and let me know how you are doing too!!


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