Saturday, July 30, 2011

A told B and B told C...

Our favorite book come to life! We like to listen to this, while doing our letters on our tree at the same time!
Here it is again, a re-post from last month:
Today the kids and I hit the pool, but as the temperatures sky rocketed to the high 90s, I knew they had to get inside. I was hoping to push a nap, so I started reading a book. As they began to recite everything I read, I knew they were not going down. My gears got turning and a few foam pieces later, we had a working storyboard to go with our favorite book! Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! 

The older two loved taking turns reading the book, while the youngest would act it out with the letters! Everything is made of foam and completely removable, so that they can  anything they want to it! Best part is that it all stores in a freezer bag!

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