Monday, July 4, 2011

My Wish List!

Happy 4th of July! Due to the Holiday, we are staying an extra day in Africa and I will update and post about our flight tomorrow! Instead I will post about my most wanted items at the moment! I have a wishlist of things that would be great to have! Feel free to share your wishlist too!
1. These frames are too cute for words! I can imagine them hung crookedly and straight on the playroom walls! Their own mini gallery of sorts! At the moment Michael's has these on clearance in their Crayola aisle at 4.99 for a set of 4. They don't seem as sturdy, but I may pick some up just to check them out!
2. These stampers are PERFECT for learning about finding prints in the ground and then making our own! They are the best thing for our Nature Hikes that we seem to take daily in the Fall.

3. These are our favorite things to have, but we only have 100 of them and always in need of more! So much fun and learning can be had in these little cubes!
4. These are the UlTIMATE in cool toys!! If you've been a fan of my blog for awhile, you know we LOVE our magna tiles! We use them almost daily and add to them as often as we can, these would be the perfect add on to our set! The price is not bad at all, they are just never in stock ANYWHERE! We can order them online, but I like to see what I buy in person, I know that probably makes me weird! haha!

Canvas Double Sided Book Display (155.00)
5. This is probably the piece I want most! We have so many books and so many bookshelves, that I think this would help promote reading more, since the books are on display instead of just sitting spine out!
6.  Perfect for little ones learning to read and for those forming sentences! I love these! They would probably be so easy to make on my own, but for the price, it just can't be beat! I just wish their stores would carry them too!
7. This cart would make an awesome portable classroom! I could use colored bins to store everything on it and wheel it from place to place! Our learning never takes place in 1 area, so this would be perfect to wheel it to where it needs to be and also to store it in a closet or out of the way place when we are not using it! 

Share your wish lists or classroom supplies!!



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