Sunday, July 3, 2011

Spray and Paint!

Just like in the ladybug post, you can tell that I love to save and reuse recyclables! I'm preparing all of our activities for camping and I'm thinking it's all about the 'outdoors'! First we gathered 3 empty and washed out spray bottles! 
The kids had fun with step 2! Squeeze in paint to fill the bottom and then some! You can use as much or as little as you want, it all depends on how thick you want the mixture. I plan on using it on a sheet that will be washed many times, so it didn't have to be too thick.

 Add water to each container and then screw on the lid tight!!! With 3 containers and 3 kids, each one grabbed a bottle and shook shook shook like crazy!! I was pretty sure we mixed it up perfectly!
To test it all out, I just sprayed it on paper and it worked perfectly! The kids wanted to try their hand at it too, so I very carefully let them test it once on the paper! (Hey, we were inside!!) We will be using a sheet at the camp site for this project, that way it can dry on the laundry line and it will then become our outdoor working sheet! Yay!

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