Friday, July 1, 2011

Learning with Ladybugs!

Today we learned about ladybugs! The kids and I are all about hands on learning, so I pulled out our recycled lids and had them make ladybugs, while I read some simple facts. Picking out eyes in all sizes seemed to be their favorite part!

Underneath each cap, we put a number with the same black sharpie and each leaf also had a number on it. This was just a simple matching game for the little guy!

He had an absolute blast and quickly asked the big kids, if he could keep this game all by himself! He must have sat at the table for an hour just playing over and over again and then matching the colors groups together and the Daddy's and Baby's (big and little ones). So many games in 1!

The original intention was to put these in the garden and have them decorate, but when it was clear the little guy was not going to let them out of his sight, we popped them in a container and he even decorated the lid!

Then it was time to run errands and he wanted to bring his 'buggies' with him, so I used a hole punch and made holes in the bucket, added a pipe cleaner handle and he was golden all day! My 3 year old sat in a cart EACH place we went and just played with his bucket of buggies!

Since lady bugs have dots, what better thing to pull out than the Do-A-Dots?!?! Perfect timing! I made up some work sheets real quick and the kids went straight to work! First was just a sheet of plain ladies and they dotted them as the wished!

For the youngest, it was a numbered sheet where he had to fill in the dots based on the number next to each ladybug.

For the older 2, it was math facts. They solved the problem and the answer was the amount of dots that they had to put into the ladybug! It was so much fun for all of us! Want the worksheets? CLICK HERE!

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