Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Treasures...Recycled Fun

It's time for another week of trash to treasures! We went digging through our pile of saved materials (I will have to make another post on what to save from your rubbish bin!) and got straight to work this past week. Out of our milk jug, we made a basket to hold our money. We were playing store during our math lesson and we decided to use the over-sized money that does not fit in the cash register, so we needed to make up something different! This ended up being so perfect we made 3 more to hold the 'produce' in the store! A pipe cleaner makes an awesome handle doesn't it?!

When challenged to make something on her own, while the boys were occupied with a numbers lesson, my daughter made up this fantastic  paper clip holder out of the bottom of a water bottle! I had just gotten some new catalogues in the mail and she saw me pinning pages with clips from a plastic bag and told me that this would work much better! How creative! I love it!! Some of the best artwork will come when you give your kids the materials with no direction what so ever! Each of them have a work table in their rooms that has a small bit of art supplies set up on it, this way they can create in private if they want! Yes, it does get messy, but this is a home, not a museum :)

Join my blog hop! Snag the button and link up below!! You can even grab the code and embed it into your post for more people to link up! Let's spread the word the recycling can be fun!!



Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

looking forward to your post on what to save. We had a raffle to match numbers and practive follow through! come and take a peek.

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