Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am asked about my inspiration a lot of the time when being interviewed about my work. I would love ot have something incredibly deep to say like 'the weather moves me to work in mysterious ways that even I have only begun to figure out' or whenever I hear a piece of Mozarts work, I envision creations coming together in my head. Instead my motivation comes from cleaning. Yup, I said it, cleaning. Not anyplace though, only one special and very colorful room. The playroom! It's bright, beautiful and best of all it's PLASTIC! From tea parties to tower building, dress up to race car racing, I can always think of something to create!
I always find it so fun that something like playing My Little Ponies can turn into something like a funky necklace. My Pretty Little Pony Necklace by MichellesCharmWorld 15.00
I love cleaning up after a tea party when everything is a mess and then suddenly I see something out of the clutter.
When something as simple as tea cups and cupcakes can become a kitschy new bracelet.

Legos are a favorite piece of inspiration for me! The colorful and bold pieces of plastic seem to hold magic in them for me!
A pile of discarded legos shows me rings, necklaces, hair pins and bracelets. The colors and textures of toys make creating so exciting when I can look at little things like that and turn them into this:

My daughter has the cutest Little Tikes vanity that i've coveted since before I knew I would have a baby girl in my life! I think we bought it for her when she was like 2 months old! Playing dress up always gets my brain working and makes my hands itch to get into the studio. I love to set up her perfumes and mirrors and other goodies in creative ways to make her want to play with them whenever she passes them!

Disney Princess Vanity Set

Since I can't play with her vanity all day, I knew I needed something for the big kids in life! The adults that love a little dress up in their own wardrobes!

Little and Sweet Vanity Brooch by MichellesCharmWorld 13.00

This post could go on and on, I find so much inspiration in my children and their goodies, that I don't ever want to stop playing with them! I hope this post inspires you to find something that truly gets you motivated into doing what you love! If you are already inspired by something, share it please! (Unless it's deep then I may get jealous again! hahha! Just kidding!)

I find that when I get into a rut, just going and tidying up the playroom does wonders for my brain! Now my husband is hoping I find inspiration in the bathroom next!


sassypackrat said...

Very cute! Isn't it amazing the way the creative brain works? I come up with ideas in a similar way. It was so fun to see the inspiration and then the actual.

Rebecca said...

I'm now coveting a Little Tikes vanity! :-D Great blog post x

Creative Minds said...


I'd love to have you participate in my blog.

T.Allen said...

Interesting post. Some of my best musings on parenting are written whilst lying in one of the children's beds and just seeing the world through their untainted eyes. Yanni as background music is also equally inspiring! Good taste, love!

Bianca said...

Oh man, I used to LOVE My Little Pony. I saw one recently and it looked anorexic! Has anyone else noticed this?

Zingo Tots said...

Oh my gosh! I am so glad I found you on the Etsy forum! Your things are adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!
So nostalgic!

Elizabeth @ My Life, Such as it is... said...

Your stuff is so creative to me! My brain doesn't work that way and I'm always impressed by people like you.

swanriverstone said...

thank you for sharing what you are thankful for with us. i was truly touched reading your thought and expressions. your jewelry and blog is so beautiful.

Oh yeah..I fixed the link you were referring to on MY blog opps sorry about that. Thx for letting me know you can go back and see ;)

ty for your lovely comment.

Be Well,


Christine said...

Aww..all those toys bring back so many memories. I always wanted a play vanity when I was little...never got one. I'm tempted to get one now that I can.

erinberry said...

I like your pieces with the desserts, like the doughnut bracelet :)

Crystal Raen said...

Wow, I had that EXACT dollhouse as a kid. :-) Loved it!!!!

Crystal Raen said...

Wow, I had that EXACT dollhouse as a kid. :-) Loved it!!!!

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