Monday, November 17, 2008

When Life Gets In the Way...

Where did the weekend go? It's what time already? What DAY is it? Do you find yourself asking these questions often? Sometimes I just want to run and scream and jump out the nearest window. (Hmm..seeing as how i'm on the 1st floor, nothing much will happen, but I would be very cold!) With 3 kids, sometimes life just gets in the way of your good intentions. These past 2 weeks have been crazy, I have not been able to keep up with MichellesCharmWorld like I should be and my new line for my Lollishops store is painfully lacking. We've spent the last 2 weekends in Downtown Chicago for entire days and while fun, I constantly had this nagging sensation that I had to get back to work. It's my busiest time with custom orders, wholesale orders and non-internet orders and yet there I am playing with boats in the water at the Childrens Museum and wondering just how the heart works at the Museum of Science and Industry. I don't feel guilty, since my children and family always come first, but I do feel a bit lost. I schedule my day as it is during the week and even stick to my 3 unhealthy hours of sleep a night, so work as much as I can when the house is silent. The only thing I can do is throw myself head first into mondays! For today, the dishes will wait and the errands will be run by my husband. This morning I will move a small table of work into the playroom and while the kids watch a movie I can get some work done. Not a great solution for every day, but it helps with mondays. Hopefully I will get some new supplies in today and that can help get my creative juices flowing right where they should be! I better run now, i've been invited to a dance party in the next room!

Boombox Adjustable Ring by MichellesCHarmWorld 8.00


Rebecca said...

I know that nagging feeling - I get it on a Saturday night, the only time I allow myself to stop! Do you really only sleep 3 hours a night?! xx

Ravenswick said...

I know the feeling all too well! There is just not enough time in the day to accomplish everything and my kids are even older and in school all day. Just do they best you can and enjoy your family. Your jewelry is just too adorable!

OurWanderingAdventures said...

aww thanks guys! Yes, 3 hours a day from 330 am to 630am. Sometimes I sneak to bed a bit early when I just can't keep my eyes open though :)

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