Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Studio Organization

My Work Table, Click on photo to go to Flickr where you can read all the notes
Hi all! With the holiday production in full swing we really need to be ready for anything at the drop of a hat. So today is a lesson in organization! I always share photos of my storage table (old photo) in my studio and figured it was time to share more.

My storage table where plastic magic begins!

First let's talk storage table. All of those bins and drawers are labeled with the cost of each charm or bead x2 in there so that I know what to charge as I am making a piece. These are the AT COST prices. It also helps for when I have a party of people over to make things and they can see what their prices will total up to be as they create. (I want to own a funky bead and charm store one day!). Every basket on the table is a custom order in the works and it has a index card of the price quoted, pieces involved and other notes. I have a lot of trays and whozits and whatits around and those are for new charms and beads as they arrive in the mail waiting to be sorted further.
My work table should always be clear and ready to work. I need a clear environment in order to create. It must be inviting to get me to sit awhile. A big old mess makes me stay away. If you click on the photo of my owrk table above it will take you to my flickr account so you can see the notes. Everything has a place, right down to a tiny little pink container to hold my weddig rings when I work. My most commonly used pieces I keep on my work table so that I don't have to keep getting up and down constantly going to the storage table.

Spool holder now ring holder

Little odds and ends like Vintage jars and antique bottles and bowls can make practical holders pretty and inviting! I make chunky jewelry and some pieces like rings can't just go in a box and be safe all the time. So I bought this thread holder to hold all my rings. It also makes them super easy to find when they sell. This sits on my storage table for easy access. I am right now using a card table as my shipping center, but I am hoping to buy one of these soon:

The Microwave Cart from Target

Everything will then have it's own place and not just sit in a rubbermaid bin. When I have to get stuff out of bins and it's not visible it makes shipping a chore, I want it to be fun and inviting. And also when I have clients over I want it to look nice. The shelves will have wicker or clear baskets with no lids. Just clean lines. The top one will pens and markers, scotch tape, ribbons, business card box, customs forms and my stamp. The bottom basket will hold shipping envelopes, tissue paper, boxes and a roll of bubble wrap. The side hooks will hold scissors, tape gun and other on hand goodies. I'm hoping to have it all done and ready by the time my other shop on Lollishops opens up!

Has this inspired you to get organized?


alexlady said...

wow, your table looks like a dream!!! i just went on a search for bead organization and was TOTALLY disappointed at a.c. moore's options... but what i settled on, which is ok are clear plastic boxes... that were $2.19 each!

great blog!


Mannie of MannieMandible said...

Thanks for sharing your work space! I always love to see how others set themselves up and organize!

Also, thanks for the comment on my Election 2008 post (:


OurWanderingAdventures said...

Thanks for visiting everyone! Alexlady, I love my clear plastic boxes. I keep my smaller stuff in them and I have them in a portable box (will have to photograph some time) and it goes to craft shows with me :)

oriental banana said...

now THAT is a crafting table! :O

Anonymous said...

Nice job! I especially enjoyed seeing your baby peeking under the table.

Organization is important and having little ones is not easy to do.

Good luck with your funky chunky world. I love your stuff.

Ally ☁ ☼ said...

You are really well organised ^^
I wish i was like you lool

Joelle Dolce Bebe said...

Thank you so much for this post! good luck on getting that piece from target for your shipping area.
(I know YOU know this but....anyone else your helping out etc...) P
aiting trash finds, salvation army junk, relatives cast offs etc..) and layering them on top of eachother to make a unqiue cupboard/ work station can be creative, cost effective & fun! layer pieces of furniture you might not ever have thought of. rip legs off of things to get what you want. and wood can be HAMMERED into. for all your "GOODIES" "spool" holder nailed to the side, hangin tape, rulers, storage bag holders etc... you can do whatever you want to it and add extra things to the sides by nailing it or even HOT GLUE things temporarily(?). & rip off again & change YOUR ways of doing things. Ideas are endless.

Anastasia said...

wow! your studio looks amazing - so organised!!!

OurWanderingAdventures said...

Thank you for the kind words and the visit everyone!!

AnastasiaC said...

wow! your studio looks amazing - so organised!!!

alexlady said...

wow, your table looks like a dream!!! i just went on a search for bead organization and was TOTALLY disappointed at a.c. moore's options... but what i settled on, which is ok are clear plastic boxes... that were $2.19 each!

great blog!


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