Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Get out of that BOX!

I have been featured in a handful of blogs this month and the one question that is on each and every query is usually 'Do you have any advice for anyone out there?' My advice is almost always cut and paste kind of simple. It's get out of the BOX! We hear this all the time, but it needs to be repeated. However, my meaning is a bit different. I want you to get out of the BIG BOX CRAFT STORES!!! Supplies are one thing, but when you are getting your major pieces there, then you run into the problem. Go ahead and browse whatever selling site you are on. You will see so many of the same pieces overused. You will see the same things out there page after page. It's time to step out and buy something outrageous to make your pieces truly one of a kind! No matter what kind of jewelry you make, something different could make your pieces even more beautiful. I will be doing a feature some time in the New Year where I will walk into 1 off the beaten path store and photograph pieces that would make something that you wouldn't think of off the bat! It's a great way to get your creative juices flowing.

When I was younger and restricted to the awful world of polyester plaid skirts and starched plain white blouses, of the Catholic School Uniform, I would branch out on the weekends. I was so tired of seeing the same old same old at Claires and everywhere else that had that same kind of stuff. I had no choice but to take matters into my own hands. I would buy 2 or 3 pieces that interested me and take them apart and piece them together differently. It still wasn't enough, I woul raid my dad workbench and find some fabulously funky things there to add on and WOW!
Buttons, Drawer knobs, computer keys, game pieces, nothing was off limits to me. I never limited myself in my head and I think that's what makes my creations different! Albeit, sometimes a bit weird to those that may not be into it. Just try thinking out of the box and see what you can come up with.

Let's all get out there and change up those featured items again! It's a good time to bring a fresh eye to the shop! I even forgot I had some of those back there!! One of my goals in the New Year is to keep an eye on my stock numbers. Having over 300 items in the shop is just ridiculous. It's hard for people to shop and I just lose track of some items back there. I would ideally like to keep the shop at 250. It seems like a manageable number. I may or may not transfer the overstock to another shop. It just seems like when I split my time promoting many shops, I am losing the sales I could have gotten promoting just 1. This is the biggest need for my dot.com to be up and running.


CAT Productions said...

Cute items, and great advice! Original is always best! Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I totally agree! Especially in jewelry, it can be hard to be unique and when a certain supply becomes popular you see the same necklace or earrings over and over. I definitely don't want that ti be me! I was searching etsy for "lace" inspired items and in one page I saw 5 pairs of earrings that looked exactly the same. I think I try to achieve individuality by making my own charms out of polymer clay and resin and also using ready made supplies in a new way. I know your jewelry is definitely unique!

xo Aubree

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