Thursday, January 22, 2009

Garbage Day...

Trash Day print by TheQuietCanadian 27.00

So today is garbage day here in good ole Cherry Valley, IL. Today we hurry to pull out all the trash to the curb and make sure we didn't leave anything in the fridge past it's expiration date. Today our garage can gets emptied and we start over again! So let's have a garbage day in our studios! Sometimes we rush to buy stuff becuase it's on sale or we bought too much of something that was not much of a success. Sometimes we just have too much of everything! Before we know it, we have so much that we are buying doubles because we didn't even know we had any!
Our shops don't need so much inventory, so let's do something about it!

Today I challenge you to sort through all those bins and baskets in your studios and get together a destash pile. I usually just toss stuff in a big 12x12 box and sort it as the month ends, but it's been awhile lately. Today I plan on filling a box, photographing it and just listing the entire thing. I don't have time for small lots and just want to get rid of it all! Then I will reorganize and relabel by drawers, some of the labels seem to be peeling off! Now hurry and get that done before the trash men arrive!


pnkgeeni said...

pretty picture. i should tidy up a bit before all the new stuff arrives. but i have lots of ideas!

Sharon's Cottage Quilts said...

AMEN!!! I have fabric...tons of fabric. Organizing as we speak. Thanks for the nudge, Michelle!!!

Jenn said...

oh, yes! I needed this post, lol!!!
BTW: visit here for a surprise:

Anonymous said...

I'm planning an annual destash myself (March), there is just too much stuff around here! lol

Also, my word verification for this was "hypersad" lol, what the huh? ;3

Anonymous said...

have you listed your destash yet? I want your pile - just call me the garbage collector!

Malissa said...

Whoo, hoo! I love a destash box. Thats a great way to clean up. I'm doing mine with a swap on my blog! I'll check your site for the upcoming listing!

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