Thursday, January 8, 2009

Valentines Day Is Here....

So it's not really here, but it's time to start thinking like retailers! I am not going to make too much holiday themed stuff since it never seems to sell, but I am going to shuffle around some stuff with candy and hearts on it and put it in my featured items, sticking with pinks and reds.

I am trying to stay away from getting too theme-y, I want a certain look for my shop and the conversation hearts as cute, so I am sticking to candy and treats and it will still fit in with the rest of my shop!

Dessert Treats Charm Bracelet by MichellesCharmWorld 30.00

Another great way to get into the holiday is with packaging, i'm changing up my packaging and backrounds to suit the holidays. That pink polka-dot is one of the backrounds and I have some hearts too. I am going with pink jewelry containers and I had new earring cards made up! I'm using pink tissue paper and white ribbon.

Since I had earring cards made up for both shops and my labels have Etsy and Lollishops on them, I am transitioning this into both places. I am going to re-do all my Lollishops photos, since there is not that much inventory, but only the new photos will get the new backround on Etsy. So what are you doing for this new holiday?


Anonymous said...

Very pretty charms. I am sure any woman would love a unique Valentines Day Gifts such as this. Keep up the great work!

missknits said...

i think the candy hearts are so cute and would be a great hit in either shop! i cant wait to see what else you make with them! i haven't really planned on much for valentines day. i made several things last year that never really sold, maybe just make more things in pink and red, and not so heart specific.

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