Monday, May 16, 2011

5 a Day Book Project! Week 2

Last week we began our 5 a day book project and it has been an absolute blast! The kids end up loving the books and getting really into them! By the end of the week even the 3 year old was taking turns 'reading' some of them!! This week we picked 5 more together!
As I was heading out for my 2nd round of pick ups, my mail lady had some wonderfully glossy packages for me! I love when mail arrives! My new subscription to PARENTS magazine started coming!! I was leafing through it in the parking lot and this AWESOME article SHOUTED to me! It's about the BEST BOOKS YOU HAVE HAVER HEARD OF! This was PERFECT for this weeks 5 a day!

I changed around some afternoon plans and after I had everyone in the car, we headed STRAIGHT to the library! I was in luck as our library had 3 of the 4 books listed, but 1 was at another branch (due to arrive in 3 days) and the other was a no-go. That's alright though, 2 out of 4 made it onto this weeks list!
The first 2 books on my list are from the Magazine list! First up is The Snail and The Whale, this was AMAZING! The illustrations alone are phenomenal and the story is fun. This book is in our Amazon cart for sure!

Button Up is a collection of poetry about different items of clothing, as it is lengthy (but sooo cute), we are going to just do 1 poem each week, which is awesome because I just read another blog this morning that is doing the same thing!! I wish I could remember who it is, so if it's you PLEASE let me know in the comments and I will link you up!

Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late is an old fan favorite! We love this series of books from Mo Willems and the situations always have us laughing!
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! If we had one, we of course had to add another! haha! Once again this book is just charming!!
Finally, we have YES DAY! This book is truly a childs dream and in fact has inspired me to add 1 more thing to the very bottom of our 3 Kids 2 Parents 1 Awesome Summer, BUCKET LIST!  If you have not read this book yet, PLEASE check it out! It's so fun!

A great tip I can constantly share is to have your books out in the open so that the kids can browse through them throughout the day too!

Do you have a list to share? Please put it in the comments!!



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