Tuesday, May 24, 2011

5 a Day Book Project! Week 3

Wow, another week has passed already? I totally cannot believe it, but we are doing wonderful with the 5 a Day  Project! We are now in week 3 and everyone is getting very excited to help pick out the new books each time.  
Today, we ended up with more books than we needed and actually had to put some away. Want to read more about the 5 a day project? CLICK HERE! This week we went with a fun animal theme, since we are planning on hitting up the Zoo over the weekend. 

If You Give a Moose a Muffin and If You Take a Mouse to School are 2 of our favorite Mouse books! These are books by the author that wrote If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, which was a favorite of both my husband and I as children. It's always wonderful to be able to share something from our past with our children.

Next up, are 2 books that have recently entered our library and always stay on my sons nightstand. While Mouse and Llama share his bed!!
Llama Llama Red Pajama and Llama Llama Mad at Mama are so fun to read and always share quite a lesson, that I find them a Mommy favorite too!!

Finally, is TRUCK DUCK. This is a book that Nana brought to my littlest guy and he quickly fell in love with it. It's easy to read and is also a quick flip to get through. I definitely think that by the end of the week, we all will be able to recite this book with enthusiasm!
Our newest addition to this week is that we will now do a book report for each book at the end of the week. This will help their memory AND boost their writing skills along with some spelling too. I showed them the pages this evening at storytime and they are so excited, they wanted to fill it out tonight! 
Share a link to your 5 books in the comments!

Week 1 and 2 can be found here!!


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