Saturday, May 14, 2011

Planting Onions!

 As I was running errands yesterday, I spotted some colorful tents in a parking lot that could only mean one thing.....The First Farmers Market of the SEASON!!!!!! I quickly (and legally) u-turned and pulled right in. With the beginning of the Season being incredibly rainy and stormy, not many people were set up at all. We browsed and bought all within 5 minutes. I picked up some jam, Spinach, Rhubarb and planting onions!
The minute my little guy and I got home, I set us up out on the patio to get started.
 I put some soil in, while he pushed the onions down into starter pots (we only had these on hand and I wanted to get them into soil right away), so that my son could help out. They will be going into a larger deeper pot next week. These will become part of the Kids Container Garden. I am looking to add strawberries and tomatoes still and then I think that will be about it. The big garden will hold all the larger plants!
While we were out, I told my little guy to water the other containers of herbs and flowers, using his new measuring cup from Fridays Finds! He was so excited to help plant and water, that he was asking some awesome questions! I love quiet, hands on learning.

While he was watering, he noticed some sprouts in the back row! He was SO EXCITED! He quickly called me over to look at the back row and he was right! Yay! We're doing it right! haha! What do you grow in your container gardens?
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