Thursday, May 5, 2011

Take The Learning Outside!

As the weather warms up, we are all dying to get back outdoors on a regular basis! The kids love to run, jump and yell with no boundries (well except for the fence!). It's fun, exciting and best of all thrilling to get outdoors and play with bubbles, water and sand. Why not sneak in a little learning while you play? 
We took our sidewalk chalk out with us this week and drew reaaaalllly long lines and measured to see who drew the longer one! Then we wrote out number 1-20 on a bumpy hill! We made clouds with numbers on them and hopped from one to the next or just stood still until someone yelled out a number and we all headed to land on that one! We even pulled out the jacks and matched them up to the same color chalk drawing!!
I wrote out some Math problems and before I was done with the last one, my 5 year old was pulling up a chalk and getting right to work!
All the while, I don't think the kids even knew there was a lesson in there! Even Mommy had some fun with the chalk!
Enjoy this month as we near Summer and vacations abound!
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