Sunday, May 1, 2011

Car Ride!

As I shared in my EASTER post, I like to have car kits for the kids, since we are in the vehicle a lot! Waiting in parking lots, driving out of town for the weekends and so on and so forth. Today, we are headed back from our long weekend getaway (left Thursday) up to Northern Wisconsin and several other stops along the way. I found all of these great books UNUSED at charity shops and garage sales and never paid more than .59 for them! The kids saw me putting them in a car basket and already can't wait to get their hands on them!
What do you have in the car for kids?


LBB said...

Great deal on those books! We always keep a few in the car too. I also always keep a little pad of paper & pens for them to doodle if they get sick of the books :)

Alyssa S. said...

How insanely cool. I had no idea you could use corn syrup as paint! I love hot vivid the colors are. I guess this is one case where "contains high fructose corn syrup" isn't a bad thing!

My go to...paper lunch bags. My kids love them. My daughter likes to decorate them and then hoard things in them once they are decorated. I find bags of "stuff" everywhere!

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