Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'd Like To Thank.......TEST PAGE

 WOW!! My first ever blog award!!! I have just been graced with an awesome award from Charcoal and Crayons!  How exciting!! I would like to thank her very much for this and my kids who without them, I wouldn't be so crafty and creative! Now, when she accepted the award, she shared 10 random things and I will do the same. It's a little way for you to get to know me!

  1. I got married in Disney World!
  2. I just had my tonsils out last year.
  3. My Favorite All Time Movie is Dirty Dancing
  4. I would love to learn how to dance properly in a studio!
  5. I am deathly afraid of birds and fish
  6. I love my legs and dislike my nose
  7. Every time I watch a movie, I wish I were that character. For example: Bourne Identity had me wishing I was a spy, Dirty Dancing always has me wanting to be a dancer, Oceans 11 has me dreaming of robbing places in cool ways, The Substitute had me wanting to be a teacher that could kick some on and so on! hahaha!
  8. I find it very difficult to laugh at myself.
  9. I think that my parents are the best people in the world and can only hope that my husband and I turn out just like them in the way they raised me.
  10. My grandmother passed on over 13 years ago and I still think of her every single day and still tear up if I think too long.

Now I have to come up with 10 blogs to pass this award on to! Hmmm....

^Have you noticed something new up there?^ I just got a wonderful new banner made for me from The World as I See It! Isn't it fantastic?? It reminds me of Candy Land, which is exactly ME! She is redesigning my blog too! Let's hope that someone as clueless as I am can figure out how to put it all together! hahaha!!

Just ignore the following, testing images:


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