Sunday, May 29, 2011

Family Faith On The Go!

I hope you all are having a Blessed Sunday! As we head to Mass, I sit and reflect on how truly Blessed and lucky I am. I have 3 amazing children and a husband who is the best friend and partner I could ever ask for. Sometimes I get so caught up in wants and desires that I don't take the time to truly be thankful for all I have. This past week, I was lucky enough to join my daughter's school on their field trip to Marytown, I knew this was going to be a very important trip and brought my 2 younger sons with us. It was a wonderful day full of reflection and prayer.

In the gift shop, I stumbled across this magazine Take Out Family Faith on the Go.  This magazine is all about the Catholic Family. It's the perfect size for busy families and hits right on the mark with it's articles and fun crafts. I am definitely taking the time this coming week to order our family a subscription! The kids loved leafing through it with me and my husband liked some of the tips in this issue for bringing couples together, when their lives are so child-centric! 
As Father's Day nears, we have been out shopping for what to get my dad. As I have mentioned before, he is one of my best friends and is someone that holds a special place in my heart. We are a lot alike and he's a man that always looks out for us. He is an amazing man that has take my husband into our family and made him feel like his son. They have a relationship that makes me smile and they can often be found at Hobby shops and car shows. My father is one of the best men I know and I want to get him something that let's him know that! Geez, now what do I get him? hahah!

My parents have been working on the backyard lately with gardens, a new patio, furniture, playground etc. and I had a couple ideas on what to get them for their 'grand reveal'! One of the items was a swing, I brought my number 1 tester with me to try out the swings and see what he likes! I didn't expect him to want to sleep in one though! I told him in the future he could fool me if he didn't smile when he pretended to sleep!! 

How is your weekend going?

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