Wednesday, May 25, 2011

End of the Year Fun!

In yesterday's post, you saw that we made these fantastic crayons as our Rainy Day Craft. I actually had a reason for starting these up and we had the perfect plan ahead of us. We were going to start our good bye bags for the 2 big kids classmates.
Recently, I came across a blog posting where they shrunk down their bucket list to give as an end of the year gift to classmates and I LOVED THIS! A rainy day was the perfect time to get started! We put in a tiny magnifying glass (Hobby Lobby for .12 each), Sidewalk Chalk, Crayon and Bubble Wand! We are waiting on Water Park Coupons and Directions on how to make a fun Bubble Solution.

Next, I chopped up our bucket list into many different sections and everyone got a small portion of it that I then stuck to the front of the Ziploc bag! I can't wait to give these out! My 2 big kids had a blast getting them ready for their friends.


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