Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm Bored....

 One thing I NEVER, ever hear in this house is: 'I'm BORED!' I honestly pride myself in that! The kids always have enough to play with or something to do or a planned activity etc. Today were were working on a challenge put forth by Tinker Lab and while waiting for our paint and mod podge to dry, until we could put on another coat of everything, they said it. First the oldest: 'Mom, I'm bored!' then the next 'Mommy, what should we do?' then the youngest 'Mom, I'm bode (how he says it!) too!'

I quickly looked around at what I had within reach and went with the first idea that popped in my head! Twine and Scissors and a jar of clothespins! I hung up a laundry line and emptied the dryer. Once stringing a line and and putting the basket and jar side by side, I called them in and they have been playing for over an hour so far! It's truly amazing what they do with everyday things!! I'm hoping to string one outside when the rain stops and give them some outdoor rags for them to 'wash' in their water table and hang to dry!
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What do you do when you hear the dreaded 'I'm bored!'?


Join the HOP! Follow Me and Let me know you are from the hop!!

Four Fill-In Fun Link Up!
1. If not for my significant other, I’d never Get a moment to myself! Love when he is home and wants to hang out with the little ones, letting me steal a minute here and there!

2. On more than one occasion, I have Thrown Up in a car! I tend to have awful motion sickness only in vehicles and it only happens on rare occasions, but it does happen!

3. The worst meal I ever made was My first ever chicken soup! Too many veggies and chicken and nowhere near enough broth!! It was a disaster!!

4. My guilty t.v. pleasure are Soap Operas! I love them, but I don't follow them religiously at all. When I catch AMC or OLTL (about to be cancelled!!) even if it's been years, I sit and watch it and can usually catch right up! haha!!


PussDaddy said...

Well let's see, I never hear that because I don't have kids, lol. But when I was little and said it to my grandmother she had a tin cookie box she kept buttons in and she would hand it to me to string button necklaces. She also kept her old clothes and let me cut them up and make doll clothes with them.


PussDaddy said...

OMG don't laugh but I only have saved a sum total of 4 school point things since I said I would, lol. I told you we don't eat at home a lot, lol. Do you save the Campbell Soup ones?


Patricia said...

Your blog is darling!! It looks like a fun blog. I have five daughter and they all need to see this blog. I am following you on the weekend blog hop.
follow Me too!

OurWanderingAdventures said...

@Puss, LOvE the idea for doll clothes!!!!

Yes, we do campbells too! :)

@Patricia, thank you!!! Off to check you out!

Krafty Max Originals said...

Hop'pin by from 'Sit & Relax Weekend Hop'. I'm following your blog now, wont you please come and follow me back?? ~KM

Krafty Max Originals

Quirky Homemaker said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and adding my hop linky above! You rock! I've joined you via GFC. I'll look around and see which other ways I can join!! Have a great weekend!

The Tote Trove said...

How crafty of you! But then, crafty homes are rarely bored homes :)

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