Friday, April 8, 2011

Craft in a Minute!

You Need:
Scissors, Crayons, BLACK Duct Tape, Box
I am forever getting packages in the mail and looking for creative ways to use the boxes. Today after Roman and I gave the water table a good scrub down and waited for it to dry, I decided to start something new! I am putting together a busy bag to keep handy everywhere we go and I like practical everyday things for our bags that can easily be replaced if lost or broken!
I took 1small box and scissors, BLACK duct tape, white crayon and got to work!
First I cut the box apart at all the creases and then put tape on the pieces anywhere we wanted, then I handed Roman the white crayon and he dotted the roads! ALL SET! A match box road that can easily be moved and switched around, since there are so many pieces!!

Roman having a blast with just one part!!
He played for an hour when I first finished and after school when he showed Gabriel, they played for HOURS!! On cardboard and tape! Best part? If it gets broken it's no big deal we can make more!! I love sharing crafts with the kids that cost next to nothing to make and showing them just how much they can enjoy them!

Gabriel joins in on the fun!!
I am hoping to do one of these in a shoe box, with velcro sides that fold down and then they can add the extensions still the box can hold the cars, some houses and trees and signs and the extension pieces! I will then add a handle to make it portable. This is our next project when we get a bigger box around! My supplies always comes in tiny boxes.
Tape can be found at Michaels for under 4.00, go to and get a 40% off coupon for the tape! Save more!!

*NOTE* We tried chalk, but it just wore off with use, which is why we went with crayon!


Unknown said...

This is FANTASTIC! I love the versatility of the activity and that it can be changed by the kids according to how they want to play. Thanks so much for linking to It's Playtime and hope you will join us again this week!

Rachel said...

I love this! It seems much more durable than many of the other DIY road options out there. I mentioned it on my facebook wall. I hope to see you again on our link-up "It's Playtime"

OurWanderingAdventures said...

Thank you so much ladies!!! They still have a good time with it and we have added more to it, I will have to do an update post on it soon!

Unknown said...

Love it I tried to draw a road the other day and lets just say i'm not that artistic it ended up in the trash. Putting black duct tape on the list now. Thank Ya

OurWanderingAdventures said...

You are very welcome! Thanks for stopping by!!

Andrea . Charcoal and Crayons said...

This is awesome!
I guess boxes really are the best toys! It's amazing what a little bit of imagination can come up with.

OurWanderingAdventures said...

Thank you!!!It's amazing how some of the easiest things that are already lying around the house, tend to be the most favorite!!

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