Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Nuts and Bolts of it All!

 The hardware store can be a fantastic place for getting toys that the kids can play with for hours!
I went and bought Nuts and Bolts and a Wrench! That's it!! All 3 children played for 2 hours in many different ways. There were counting games, races, contests, sorting and just so much creative fun, I couldn't believe that a total of 4.67 was bringing in this much fun!
One of their contests was to see who could put the most nuts on their bolt and they figured on some of them, they could get up to 8, but on others only 4!
My daughter liked working with the wrench best, it's a great lesson in patience, trying to get everything adjusted just right in little hands.
They also sorted them into the different sized nuts as they unscrewed them. They cooperated really well together and made sure each one had a job at all times. For a little bit of money, this bought me some nice quiet time!!

My children are older and do not put toys in their mouths, please be careful and watchful at all times with children when attempting this activity!


PussDaddy said...

Oh let's make a game out of who can vacuum the fastest, or stack the dishes in the diswasher the neatest, or dust with the least breakage. yeah.


PussDaddy said...

And let's not forget Quiet Mouse. That one's my favorite.


OurWanderingAdventures said...

hahaha, they do fight over the vacuum, it's still a novelty to them! We only use it every now and then, because we have the roomba haha!

PussDaddy said...

I wanted a roomba, but decided to wait until they had made them a few times so it would be really good. As a kid I had a play vacuum cleaner. Imagine that-housework as play, lol.


OurWanderingAdventures said...

haha, my husband couldn't wait and so far so good! We even bought the scooba too and he likes it!

We have 2 play vacuums sitting in the garage awaiting a garage sale this year, because the kids never played with them! They like the real thing much better! lol!!

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