Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Box Tops used for EDUCATION!

 I'm in the middle of counting up some more Box Tops, because many have that pesky June expiration date! I'm hoping to get them in the mail this week and decided to get my 3 kids involved in the long process! I decided to really turn this into a TRUE educational Box Tops experience! As I cut them down to the perfect square (saves on postage you know!) and put them in our Box Tops purple bucket! I got the younger 2 involved in another way!
My younger 2 are learning to count to 100, so we pulled out our hundreds chart and I gave them the purple bucket of Box Tops that we had cut down already and they placed them on the numbers 1-100! I colored the 50 box and told them when they reached there, they popped them in a bag and continued on. My oldest daughter already knows how to count to 100, so she would take the sealed bags from the boys and double check the count and make sure there were 50 in there! A fun way to teach and get stuff done, all while hanging out together!

As we worked this evening, we had Bach on the radio!


lorikay said...

i am trying to "convince" the parent advisory board that i'm a part of that BTFE is the way to go, for today, tomorrow and forever! can you give me some great points that aren't on the website? i'd appreciate it. thanks!! :)

CK said...

Oh my goodness, you are motivating me to save my box tops

OurWanderingAdventures said...

@lorikay, I replied to our email, hope that all helps and I am here for any other questions you may have!!

@CK, you really should! They help out every school no matter how small! Think of it as throwing a dime away if you don't save them! When I first went through my cupboards before even shopping, I have 13 items! That was throwing away 1.30!

lorikay said...

i am trying to "convince" the parent advisory board that i'm a part of that BTFE is the way to go, for today, tomorrow and forever! can you give me some great points that aren't on the website? i'd appreciate it. thanks!! :)

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