Friday, April 15, 2011

Making a Chore Chart!

As my kids get older, they start taking on more responsibility around the house. I find that giving them little chores, helps them learn that a house only works if the members of the family work together and it also keeps them involved doing something when I need to tackle heavier chores. I put this all together with stuff that I have in the house, I knew for sure I didn't want to buy anything else for just this project.
This was a small project that the kids could help me with, so that they could understand more of what we were doing and why. We decided to work at the craft table, so that we didn't have to carry around the supplies that were found right there.
I used library book pockets (yes, I use these a lot don't I! haha) and flashcards to write all the chores on them (6 year old) and then cut them out with wavy scissors (5 year old) and use a glue stick to put it all together (3 year old).
I took little die cut boys and wrote out everyone's name on two of them and then they were glued and taped to craft sticks (combination of everyone working together).
We all read the chores together and then I assigned them the first time around. I do not reward them with money for doing chores, as this is something that is just a fact of life. They do earn little things for making it to the end of the week with a completed chore list. The things they can earn are:
A day off from 1 of their chores.
Opportunity to assign the chores (this is the fast favorite)
Chance to switch 1 chore with someone else.
I then stuck all the pockets onto our good behavior chart, so that it's always in one place and clearly visible (In the playroom on the wall).

That's our chore chart!! Share yours!


kewkew said...

This is quite a unique idea. I love your blog, you have some amazing ideas here. Thanks for stopping by Tots and Me.
I am now following you

danielle said...

Oh gosh. Too cute. My current chore chart is just a typed out list of expectations...that I haven't really mustered the mommy in me to stick with. :) Maybe if it were cuter?

Which btw...where do you buy your little library pocket thingy-s?


OurWanderingAdventures said...

Thank you so much ladies!! I get the pockets at the local teacher store!! They have an awesome selection!

kewkew said...

This is quite a unique idea. I love your blog, you have some amazing ideas here. Thanks for stopping by Tots and Me.
I am now following you

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