Friday, April 8, 2011

Our Day!

Wow, it's not even 10am yet and Roman and I have been incredibly busy!
Rain Catcher!
After I took the big kids to school and he woke up, we hurried outside to check our rain catcher (not exact by any means, he made it with a ruler and applesauce jar and I just wrote the numbers where he said to), since we got a lot of water last night well into this morning! He was so thrilled, he wanted to play with it and a funnel, but it's too chilly for water play today! (Idea for rain jar came from here!)
Counting Marshmallows, Building with them and creating shapes!
I knew a melt down was coming if I didn't think of something cooler than playing with the rain water, so I ushered him inside and decided today would be our Marshmallow Day! I pulled some out along with an egg carton and he got to counting them (up to 12) and then we decided to make shapes out of them (using a polygon shape page) and finally we he decided he wanted to build with them! He had so much fun, that this lasted over an hour! (Another blog post will go into these activities in more detail).
Magnet Play!!
I'm off to drive the carpool in a bit, but this afternoon, we are going to be working with magnets again and seeing if has retained any information from before! What's even more fun is that Gabriel has only morning class today, so he will be able to join us!!
Punching circles!!
Hopefully this weekend sometime, I can squeeze in a stop to the craft store for more craft punches! He's been using my circle 1.5 inch cutter and having a blast! I would love to get many more geometric shape cutters, so that he can make a shape book in the future! So many plans, so little time!!

We had an AMAZING nature hike and picnic after school today, I will share more in another posting in the upcoming week!!

What did you do today???


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